Aimplas produces polylactic acid from lactide

The chief innovation in the procedure of PLA achievement developed within the project Innorex is the use of an extruder as a reactor to produce polylactic acid from lactide

The primary innovation in the procedure of PLA achievement developed within the project is the utilise of an extruder equally a reactor to produce PLA from lactide. This technology allows doing away with metal catalysts and using alternative energies to improve the reaction's kinetics, also every bit doing a measurement in line with material viscosity during the procedure. A wide research has been carried out, related to how the terminal properties of biopolymers are modified by adding additives or fillers, where a modified PLA has been achieved with more flexibility and 200% more resistance to impact than the conventional 1.

Due to these improvements in its properties, it has been established that the new fabric can be used in food packaging manufacturing past injection and thermoforming, where PLA tin can replace polypropylene. In this way, the company is contributing to reduce the consumption of conventional plastics past others. Moreover, the elimination of metal particles in the process will result in a marked improvement in the environs, offering better rubber standards for workers, also as provide an opportunity for the awarding of these biopolymers in new sectors, such as biomedicine.

After an intensive inquiry, the synthesis of a new eco-friendly and organic goad to catalyze the polymerization of lactide has been accomplished, thus getting a robust conversion of monomers to obtain a high molecular weight PLA with good polydispersity and optimal optical purity. In addition, the results obtained are reproducible at majority scale and at that place is the possibility of extrusion.

The procurement of PLA has been made by means of polymerization by Ring-Opening Polymerization (ROP) through a reactive extrusion process that unifies in a unique process the chemical and pellet synthesis. Moreover, the use of alternative energies, such as microwaves or ultrasounds, has allowed energetic reduction upwards to xx% when obtaining the terminal textile.

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