Can You Take Out a Loan for Closing Costs

If you're ownership a dwelling house, it'southward of import to remember that your expenses go beyond the bodily sale cost.

In fact:

You'll spend a lot of your own money on the down payment and closing costs.

These are two of the biggest hurdles to homeownership, with many loans requiring a minimum down payment between 3 percent and 5 percent.

Closing costs range an additional 2 percent to 5 pct of the loan amount.

Some homebuyers relieve up for these expenses, whereas others use souvenir funds or help programs.

Simply these aren't the simply means to pulsate up cash for mortgage-related costs. Using a personal loan is sometimes some other pick.

But while most mortgage lenders won't allow yous to employ a personal loan for your downwardly payment, they might allow a personal loan to cover your closing costs (lender and third-party fees).

Here's what you need to know when looking for a personal loan, likewise as when it makes sense to use 1 for closing costs.

What to Look For When Using a Personal Loan for Closing Costs?

Personal loans are installment loans issued by banks, credit unions, and online lenders.

They're bonny considering they're often unsecured, plus you tin can utilise funds for merely about whatsoever purpose.

Common uses for a personal loan include:

  • Debt consolidation
  • Habitation improvement
  • Vacations
  • Weddings
  • Other large purchases

When it comes to closing costs, some people don't think to use a personal loan. Yet, this source can provide cash when yous're curt on money, or if yous don't desire to deplete your savings on a home purchase.


Even if y'all've been diligent about saving your money, what you have in reserves might not exist plenty for closing.

After applying for a loan, your lender will provide a Loan Estimate within three business days. This document estimates how much you'll pay in closing costs.

If you don't have this much in savings—and don't think you lot'll save enough before closing—a personal loan can keep your closing on schedule.

How practice y'all choose a personal loan?

1. Interest rate

Charge per unit shopping can assist y'all become the best rate. Start by contacting a minimum of iii lenders to get a rate quote, and then compare their offers.

Keep in mind:

These lenders will check your credit, so rate shopping can cause a slight, temporary dip in your credit score.

But if yous rate store within a 14 to 45-solar day window, these multiple inquiries will only count as a single inquiry, causing little damage to your score.

two. Loan corporeality

Y'all want a personal loan to cover what y'all need for closing, and so information technology's best to apply but subsequently you've received a Loan Estimate from your mortgage lender. This way, yous know how much to ask for.

Of course, Loan Estimates are simply that—an gauge.

Your actual closing costs could be more or less.

You won't know the actual amount until most three days before closing. At which signal, it'll be too late to use for a personal loan.

To avoid delays:

Brand sure y'all have some cash in reserves, in the event that your closing costs are slightly higher than the corporeality of your personal loan.

You can pay the difference and proceed your loan closing on schedule.

3. Repayment terms

Since closing costs are typically between 2 percent and v percent of the loan amount, you might be able to pay off a personal loan inside a few years or sooner.

Regardless of whether yous receive a repayment term of 12 months, 24 months, or 36 months, make certain y'all can afford the monthly payment.

You're taking on a new mortgage payment, too, which could be higher than your current house payment. And if you're purchasing a bigger abode, you can expect an increase in utilities.

Make sure yous account for new expenses associated with the home purchase, and and so choose a personal loan repayment term that doesn't complicate your finances.

4. Fees

Be mindful that personal loans also have fees.

Some banks will charge a loan origination fee which covers expenses associated with creating the loan.

Also, many personal loans have a prepayment penalty. Banks make money from interest, so the longer you go along the loan, the more they earn.

To discourage borrowers from paying off their loans early on, some banks charge a fee when you pay off a loan before a certain timeframe.

This penalisation tin can be a apartment fee, or an amount equal to several months of interest.

Common Personal Loan Fees

Blazon of fee Typical cost
Application fee $25 to $fifty
Origination fee one% to half dozen% of the loan amount
Prepayment penalisation 2% to 5% of the loan amount
Late payment fee $25 to $50 or three% to 5% of monthly payment
Returned bank check fee $20 to $50
Payment protection insurance 1% of the loan amount

What Are Some Fees Associated With Closing Costs?

If yous get a mortgage loan for $200,000, y'all might pay betwixt $4,000 and $10,000 in endmost costs.

What do these third-political party and lender fees include? And most chiefly, which fees are your responsibility?

Buyers and sellers both pay closing costs, although they're often associated with the buyer.

Closing costs for buyers include the post-obit:

  • Origination fee
  • Awarding fee
  • Appraisal
  • Title insurance
  • Home inspection
  • Prepaid involvement
  • Homeowners insurance
  • Prorated property taxes
  • Recording fee
  • Credit report fee
  • Notary fee
  • Loan discount points

Sellers take fewer closing costs, but they tend to spend more considering they're responsible for paying commissions to both agents.

On boilerplate, sellers pay a total of eight percent to x per centum of the sale toll, with 6 percent allocated for commissions.

Other seller closing costs can include:

  • Transfer taxes
  • Credits toward closing
  • Prorated property taxes
  • Chaser fees

When Does Information technology Make Sense?

But although it's possible to use a personal loan for closing costs, should you lot?

This approach doesn't brand sense for everyone. And knowing whether it'due south the right selection for you can prevent jeopardizing your mortgage loan.

If you're thinking nigh using a personal loan for closing costs, notify your mortgage lender immediately.


You lot need to brand sure the personal loan won't impact your mortgage approving.

If the bank knows your intent—and how much you plan to infringe—they tin run the numbers and determine how this boosted debt payment will affect your mortgage.

The reality is:

Taking on a debt payment increases your debt-to-income ratio. This could reduce your mortgage qualifying corporeality.

Also, applying for a personal loan creates a new inquiry on your credit report. This can shave a few points off your credit score.

If you accept a loftier score, a new inquiry might not make a big divergence in terms of interest charge per unit. But depending on where you stand credit-wise, even the slightest drop in score could result in a college rate.

The bottom line: Using a personal loan for closing costs only makes sense if it doesn't hurt your chances of getting canonical or securing a depression charge per unit.

How to Increase Your Chances of Approving

Improving your credit score tin increment your chances of getting approved for a personal loan and a mortgage loan.

If you're applying for a personal loan within a few weeks, in that location isn't a lot y'all can do to heave your score.

But if you lot accept some time, make sure yous pull your credit report and check it for accuracy.

Credit report mistakes tin hurt your score, resulting in credit denials and higher interest rates. If you detect any errors on your reports, dispute these with the credit bureaus.

Additionally, pay off some of your credit card debt. This can better your credit utilization ratio which also gives your credit score a boost.

And over again, taking these steps to improve the odds of getting canonical for a personal loan also helps with the mortgage process. Homebuyers with the highest scores qualify for the best rates and bask lower monthly payments.


Even though a personal loan tin provide extra cash for closing costs, it does create another debt and increases your monthly expense. So consider other alternatives, too.

For instance, when submitting your offer to buy a dwelling house, ask or negotiate for the seller to pay your closing costs. Some mortgage programs (FHA and conventional) allow sellers to contribute up to a certain pct to a buyer'south closing costs. This reduces how much y'all have to bring to endmost.

Another pick is to piece of work with your lender and wrap your closing costs into the mortgage balance. This is an choice when there's enough equity in the home, in which case the final loan corporeality doesn't exceed the value of the property.

Also, some lenders will pay a buyer'southward closing costs. However, this typically requires agreeing to a higher mortgage rate, which could end upward costing more in the long run.


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